Returns & Exchange Policy

Our policy lasts for 15 days from the date you receive your parcel from Prose Stories. After this period, we cannot offer exchanges or credit notes.
To begin the return process, please email us at with your order details and the item(s) you wish to return. Our team will assist you further.
The cost of returning items will be borne by you. You are responsible for paying your own shipping costs for returning or exchanging item(s).
The product(s) must be unused, unaltered, with all tags intact and in its original packaging. If these conditions are not met, we cannot accept the return and the order will be sent back to you at your expense.
Yes, if the item(s) you are shipping are over Rs. 3500, we recommend using a trackable shipping service for both your convenience and ours.
Once we receive your return, we will dispatch the item(s) you wish to exchange.
No, we do not provide refunds. However, if you do not wish to exchange the item(s) immediately, we can issue a credit note for you for the same amount. This credit note can be redeemed from our website within 6 months.
The credit note will be emailed to you as a coupon code that you can apply during checkout on our website.
If you face any issues while using the credit note, please contact us at and our team will assist you.
Yes, gift cards, items on sale and customised items are not applicable for return or exchange.